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Jul 28, 2023

On May 5th, 1886, a standoff between state militia and strikers protesting working conditions came to a climax outside of the Bay View Rolling Mills on Milwaukee's South side. After a hail of bullets, 9 people lie dead, and a state  - and in due time, a country - would be forever changed.

Scott and Mickey talk about this incident, known as the Bay View Massacre, (or the Bay View Tragedy) its causes, immediate aftermath, and legacy, which effects every current American worker today. The challenges of accurately telling the full story in context, with all its nuances, in today's highly divisive and politicized climate, is also largely discussed.

The opening banter includes updates on current cases we're follwing, and also several Wisconsin Cold Cases "you may not have heard of."

All on Episode 27 of Badger Bizarre!





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Opening Trailer:

Ed Gein Sound Byte : "Hard Copy" - Paramount Domestic/CBS Televsion

Frank Lloyd Wright and Jeffery Dahmer Sound Byte - WISN 12 News - Milwaukee, WI

Jeffery Dahmer Quotes: "Inside Edition"  - King World/CBS Television/CBS Media


Attribution for Music:

Trailer: Composer: Adam Phillip Zwirchmayr


Outro: Composer: Viacheslav Sarancha


Attribution for logo design:

<a href="">Red Claw Scratch Photo</a>




Cooper, Jerry; The Wisconsin National Guard in the Milwaukee Riots of 1886

Gurda, John: The Cost of the Eight Hour Workday

Pearce, Anna: The Bay View Tragedy: Wisconsin's Fight for the Eight Hour Workday

Green Bay Press Gazette Archives

Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Archives

Youtube: Wisconsin Labor History Society